Seth Ladu Ram Daima Charitable Trust
(Madipur, New Delhi)

Seth Ladu Ram Daima Charitable Trust was founded with belief in welfare and preventive policy. The organisation started in 1994 in Madipur, Delhi by Phool sing daima on father’s name Seth ladu ram daima with a feeling of charity. The services of the trust promote OPD to serve society. In this trust they provide services like OPD for poor and deprived people. Healthcare is one of the basic rights for every citizen in the country. The sad truth is poor people don’t have enough money for the basic medical facilities. People who don’t pay enough attention to healthcare because of expenses can really face major problem in the future. For that reason, we are running a dispensary to provide healthcare services in the area to give better treatments to the people.

The aim of our healthcare service is to establish the bond between the environment and healthcare facilities. From poor people we charge only Rs. 10/- (0.14 USD) for providing basic healthcare consultation to give them the correct opinion about their medical conditions.

We ensure our availability to the poor people who are in need of help. We make every effort to give relief to poor class people of area by giving them necessary healthcare services. We are a non profitable welfare organization continuously working hard to help the human beings, since years.